
Lola Valley Lodge No. 583 started from humble beginnings, and grew very quickly. The ball started rolling in 1950, when Dr. Hugh Wren sent out nineteen post cards to men in the Redford area who had reputations of being organizers and hard workers. Although only nineteen men were invited, twenty-two met and formed the Lola Valley Masonic Club. The primary purpose of this club was to form a Masonic Lodge in Redford Township. The first meeting of the Lola Valley Masonic Club was held in November of 1950.  James Barber, president of the club, managed to start meetings with the Grand Lodge Of Michigan within ten months of that first meeting, and Lola Valley Lodge was well on it’s way to becoming a reality.

    In order to raise the funds needed to start a lodge, the Lola Valley Masonic Club hosted many social functions, most of which were profitable. The charter members each donated $25.00 to these funds.

    In December of 1951 Lola Valley Lodge was given permission to meet “Under Dispensation.”  This meant that the lodge was officially under way with David Schuetz, Charter Worshipful Master, and Charter Wardens, Kenneth Davis, Senior Warden, and Dr. Hugh Wren, Junior Warden.

    When the Grand Lodge of Michigan met for their annual communication in June of 1952, two new Lodges were chartered in Michigan. One of these became officially known as Lola Valley Lodge No. 583 F.&A.M. In less than two years the goal of the Lola Valley Masonic Club had been achieved.

    The first meetings were held, by special dispensation, in an old school house on Beech Daly Road, South of the railroad. The desks had to be moved out of the way for meetings, and put back in their places for school the next day. The first candidates were Gerald F. Reid, Herold G. Hinckey, and John Andres. In September of 1952, Lola Valley Lodge started meeting at the Plymouth Masonic Temple and received excellent cooperation and hospitality.

    The members of Lola Valley Lodge were not content with a borrowed meeting place, and in April of 1955 they met to watch Worshipful Brother Charles Perryman turn the first sod to start the construction of Lola Valley Masonic Temple. By contributions of labor, sweat, and even blood, Lola Valley Lodge was able to meet in their own temple by September of 1955.

    In 1962, Lola Valley Masonic Temple received some renovations, adding one third more space to the building. The banquet room was enlarged, and additional seating was added to the lodge room. On November 13, 1966 the Temple Board held an afternoon celebration, which culminated with the burning of the mortgage.

    In September of 1987, Lola Valley Lodge No 583, and Brightmoor Lodge No. 540 were merged by a vote of the membership of both lodges. It is interesting to note that in 1951, Brightmoor Lodge No. 540 was, in part, a sponsor of Lola Valley Lodge’s charter.

    Since 1987, Lola Valley Lodge has continued to grow. In 1992 Lola Valley Lodge was honored when one of our members,Worshipful Brother Leonard Noechel, was installed as Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Michigan. Our lodge was also honored when Brother Robert C. Lewis was presented with the first Lou B Windsor award, in honor of his hard work and dedication to the craft.